
Guest Blog: The Things We Do for Lent...

Lent starts today, and I've decided to give up caffeine again this year. I started to wain myself off coffee last week, and while the headaches haven't been fun, I'm really energized about being able to pull this off. But this is nothing to compared to my awesome sister, who has decided to go Pesca Vegan for the next 40 days.

She's got a great blog you should check out called Brioche & Bourbon, but I wanted to share her entry about giving up cheese, and why she decided to take it a step further this year:

Here it goes. The post I've been dreading because it makes everything official. I've decided what I'm doing for Lent. Drum roll please... I'm becoming a Pesca Vegan. That'd be a vegan- vegetarian that doesn't eat dairy (eggs, milk, cheese, etc), but I'll also eat fish. Yes, I kind of just made this up and no, I'm not doing this for any major veganism, anti-meat, anti-dairy convictions at all, other than I love meat. And I LOVE cheese. And this year especially I want to really, really challenge myself on a larger level.
So hard to give you up, locally made ricotta
Let's back this up a sec. Every year, for the past few years I've given up cheese. I love it that much that it is definitely a big challenge. And then for Easter I'd go to San Antonio, aka home, and gorge myself on Tex-Mex.  But I've begun to notice that while I might be cutting down my cheese consumption, I'm replacing it with other entirely unhealthy alternatives (bacon, juicy hamburgers, desserts I can stomach like custards, LOTS of butter). I'm not "giving up" in the way Lent was meant to be a time to give things up, I'm just substituting one love for other vices.

So I've racked my brain. Being a bit selfish I want this to focus on me, my lifestyle, my well being. Because as they say, you can't fix the world until you've fixed yourself. And I want this to be a challenge that hurts. And hurt worse than making myself run mile after mile while staring at a cement wall at my breeder gym or tentatively allowing my pop-up ex back in my life on occasion. No, this will hurt and be positive for me.
And do something good for myself
What I'm hoping for out of this? A bit of a lifestyle change. Feeling a bit healthier, being a bit more well-rounded. Having the satisfaction of knowing that I can do something that scares me, and hopefully that will start a whole chain reaction of doing challenging things because I know that I can succeed. And already this year has been unexpectedly positive and mostly from me making positive lifestyle decisions, so why not just continue the trend? 
I like how her project and mine are both connected through our commitment to a lifestyle change. I know how hard a drastic shift like veganism can effect someone, but the reward totally out weighs the initial discomfort and cravings. I wish her all the best!

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