
Day 1: Figuring Out My Routine

So in this first week, I am easing into my dieting by not dieting. I think before beginning any change, you need to first figure out what is routine, and what of that can be changed. The past week I've been examining my lifestyle and making little notes for myself on what to do once March began.

Here's What We Know About Me:
Not active. Work outs went from regular, to irregular, to nonexistent in the course of three months. Considering I was running 5Ks in November, it's a little embarrassing and depressing how much muscle and energy I've lost so quickly.  
Goal This Month: For the month, I'm committing myself to 30 minute workouts every other day. Starting off, I might need to split it 15 minutes each day, but hopefully by the end of the month I can build up to an hour long workout twice a week. That's nearly where the Mayo Clinic wants me to be.

No Breakfast or Snacks---but too my Coffee and Soda. I haven't been eating breakfast, and I think it's affecting my eating schedule. I am starving by 11 am, scarf down a lunch at my desk, and then try to eat right away when I get home. Coffee doesn't count as a food group, and soda is just an expensive habit.
Goal This Week: Bring in a granola bar to start off the day--and go out for lunch so I'm better able to savor the meal. I bought carrots and celery to snack on in the day, and will keep popcorn on hand to snack at night. I will keep my coffee habit in check this week, but try to wean myself off in time for Lent. (Next week---giving up caffeine!)

Curb My Craving for Curries (and Chips). I am addicted to Tex-Mex. And Indian. And Thai.  Too bad they are all insanely high in calories.
Goal This Week: I'm trying to avoid all three until I can find healthier options next week. If I must eat out---I'm going to hold to a eat-only-half rule for now. With healthy snacks through the day, I'm hoping that combined it will help keep me full.

Generally Less Cheese. (I know :( ....)

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